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Sometimes in the interference between radio stations, I hear Joe Frank.

Database v1.0

The big list

I've hammered this thing together with a muddle of nails and tacks and paperclips.  I used  my own dusty audio cassettes and confused diaries in conjunction with Dave Dyer's Name that Joe database of first-lines, culled and re-formated listings from Joe's web site*, and other scraps acquired over the many years.

Above is the current (Wed, Jan 24, 2018, v1.0) database in multiple formats. If you have any edits or cell-fill (many dates are 00/00), muchas gracias!  I'll update the files.  If you have a different database, for instance listing key actors, I'd be delighted to merge them carefully and give it back!

* Buy at least one!  Or subscribe for a month or two: Joe Frank Website