
Gerry Scott-Moore

04 Six Images - Elk


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1) Flooded road

2) Crossword puzzle, tape

3) Airport tunnel

4) Bathtub with plants

5) Elk with horns

6) 1958 Taxi w/flat tires

(1.5 min.)


1) That spring it was wet every day, even flooded out from Dad's house down to the county road.

2) She sat in the library's study area so she could watch the front door from a distance, and spread out the crossword puzzle page on the table.

3) We had to walk a long way from terminal 26 to terminal 3 made longer by the same fatigue that kept anyone from saying a word.

4) I loved aunt Emma's house from the bright floral wall paper in the living room to the lion-footed bathtub upstairs.

5) I'm not sure how you count the points or figure the age, but at first the elk looked like a moose with a coat-rack.

6) The iconic images of 1950's Havana are not something that has to be recreated, it's alive to this day.

Stitched Together: 

When it rained more than a few days in a row all the dirt roads turned to ponds and mud out in the country, so there was nothing to do but wait. We read left-over newspapers, did crossword puzzles and dusted off the board games; Monopoly, Life, Parcheesi. We didn't yet own a TV and we would have needed a 50-foot tower to even pick up the signal from Omaha.

Mom had gone upstairs to take a bath, what she really did was just lay in the tub for the better part of an hour listening to music on her little radio. Then we heard an awful commotion in the backyard and all of us ran to the back porch to see what it was. It was a big old Elk rubbing up against the side of the barn; he was howling or baying or whatever noise it is he makes.

"What's wrong with him, Daddy?" Lizzy asked.

"He's sick. Can we give him medicine?" Tim asked.

"No, children, he's not sick. He's in love," my father said.