


☐ Each successive host selects the movies. They will then host the meeting.

☐ They may choose their selections in any way they can imagine.

☐ The selections are usually two or three films. On rare occasions there have been more.

☐ One may include "bonus points" films as well. If possible, we may watch these too.

☐ Members are not obliged to watch the films; aesthetic, philosophical or moral dictates may      limit their participation.

☐ Hosts will provide food and booze. They may define these as suits their whim.


☐ The films may be related in some way, or in no way at all.

☐ Hosts are encouraged to select films they have seen, heard of, or know something about.

☐ Hosts will be held accountable for their selections regardless of their method of choice,     and will be punished or rewarded by the group for their actions.

☐ The host may facilitate the discussion of their movies in any way they like. To present, it     has been open unmoderated chaotic discussion.

☐ If someone finds a viable candidate for inclusion in our group, this should be discussed     prior to proffering an invitation.

☐ New members begin at the end of the queue of hosts unless the group votes otherwise.

☐ While disparaging the selected film, care should be taken to avoid disparaging the host by     association or via direct personal attack.

☐ Members may do as they wish with their turn at the helm. This includes assigned readings,     confessional cinematic reminiscence, forced clip-viewing and ritual beatings. Similarly     members are not compelled to participate, they may disregard instructions, sulk in the     corner, or wear a sour look throughout the evening; all tolerated.